The Willard HSA works hard to raise funds to support our Willard student enrichment assemblies, programs and events and our programs designed to give back to the community through Willard Cares & Social Services, Age Friendly Willard and Service Day!
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and 100% of our profits are spent on these programs. Please donate and help us continue to make a difference in the lives of our students, families and community!
If you have a corporate Matching Gift Program please submit your Willard HSA Inc. donation receipt to your Matching Gift Program and double your contribution to help!
For Matching Gift Program:
Select: Willard HSA Inc
601 Morningside Road
Ridgewood, NJ 07450-1337
U.S. Tax ID/EIN: 223596379
To Donate via Mail:
Make check payable to Willard HSA and Mail To:
Attention: Willard HSA Donations
601 Morningside Road
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450-1337
Please help us MAKE A DIFFERENCE and click the DONATE button above!
Thank you for your support!
- The Willard HSA
SHOP NOW! Willard makes 4-7% on all your Amazon purchases! But remember, you must click through your Amazon Smile account ( please select Willard HSA as your charity before making your purchase. IT'S ALL FREE MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL! Please click the Amazon button above and bookmark it to shop and donate.
You Shop! Your Charity Gets Money! for Free. Sign up and choose Willard HSA Inc as your charity. Please click the iGive button above and bookmark it to shop and donate.
School Supply Box - We make school supply shopping a breeze! Your child will have all the correct supplies needed on their desk on the first day of school. The cost of supplies is competitively priced and a small portion of the cost goes back to the HSA for our students. School Account#:88744. Please click the Supplies button above to purchase at the end of the school year and donate.
Lynch Creek Farms partners with Willard each holiday season. 20% of all our purchases are donated to Willard at no additional cost to you! Their Thanksgiving and Holiday Items and Decor are fresh and beautiful! Please click the Lynch Creek button above and bookmark it to shop and donate.